Introducing Evolv

Gamified engagement layer that unifies consumer interaction, incentives and identity across channels.

What's the need for Evolv?

Consumer engagement is crucial to increase conversions and get desired ROI, but existing solutions are suboptimal:

  1. Fragmented Touchpoints: Disjointed experiences break momentum, reducing attendee engagement by 76%.

  2. Un-scalable Gamification: Gamification is effective, but existing gamification implementation requires extensive manual effort, limiting scalability.

  3. Lack of data capturing and analysis tools: 71.2% of organizers struggle to prove ROI, inefficient manual data collection leads to lost insights and hampers analysis.

Evolv is an optimal solution

  1. Single interface connecting all touchpoints: Connects user touchpoints across channels (both online and offline) on a single interface ensuring cohesive experiences.

  2. Pre-built quests and reward templates for quick set up: Pre-built systems that can be customized and deployed quickly for scalable and efficient gamification.

  3. Automates data collection with real-time monitoring: Automates data collection to ensure accuracy, real-time analysis to provide actionable insights.

We enable it by offering a comprehensive suite of solutions.

Last updated